In this free video training series, Dr. Guy describes how to write your dissertation using a step-by-step roadmap. In this video training series, you'll learn...
-What are the top myths of dissertation writing that kill your progress and dreams?
-What isĀ The Dissertation MentorĀ® Step-By-Step Writing Roadmap? How can I apply simple, easy to understand, step-by-step techniques to finish my dissertation?
-What are the top "should ask" questions about your dissertation writing that has ALREADY cost you months or years of progress?
When will I finish this dissertation? Seriously!? How can I out-smart the "average" and not languish in ABD ("all but dissertation") land forever?
Additionally, we'll be discussing how a three-minute action could save you months worth of work and pain: all you need to know is WHAT that action is!
Yes! Get me started on this FREE training series.